Monday, 30 April 2012

Frank & Jacolene

Wat 'n wonderlike troue. Dis altyd so aangenaam om te sien dat 'n paartjie opreg lief is vir mekaar en dit elke dag wys, Baie dankie Frank en Jacolene vir die mooi dag.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The small stuff on Weddings ;)

It's always fu to capture the small things on a wedding.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Barend & Benine troue

This was one amazing wedding. Always good to see a bride and groom so in love. We had a lot of fun the whole weekend. Thanks again Benine and Barend for sharing your wonderful day with you.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Chantelle is a wonderful and fun girl to have a shoot with. I had someone helping me with the lighting on this one. I made Gerdine run up and down and told her what settings to use on the speed lights :) We had a lot of fun and never stoped laughing. Using the right equipment makes a world of difference.